Prince of Pot Marc Emery Returns to his Loyal Subjects

The return of Marc Emery has proven equal to that of the Jedi, and, in a way, he remains just as fabled as Luke Skywalker. To the pot enthusiasts of Canada, Emery is a legend known across the galaxy, who attemp...

Toronto Medical Officer Pushing for E-Cigarette Ban

In a world slowly being tainted by Justin Trudeau's sinful, liberal pot enthusiasts, great strides have been made in the city of Toronto in the hopes that we may one day live in a world void of any inhaling at ...

Canada Blames China for NRC Espionage

Ah Espionage, an activity as sexy as the word sounds. Sharp tuxedos, beautiful Eastern European women, an evil fat guy with a monocle and a Russian accent, and shoe telephones. Although during the Cold War Cana...