Petition to Return Horny Satan Statue to Vancouver

As a political satirist, there are good days and there are bad days. Sometimes the news is as stale as the dust bowl that sits atop Harper’s head, while other times the absurdity flows like the bountiful brown ...

Stephen Harper to Deploy Canadian Armed Forces To Iraq

No, you did not read that title wrong. On Friday at a NATO summit in Wales, Prime Minister Harper announced his plan to deploy several dozen Canadian armed forces advisors into Iraq, which, over the past decade...

Quebec and Scotland: Partners in Separation

Prime Minister Harper recently made pilgrimage to the British Isles; the origins of his heritage. On his father's side, he mostly English. On his mother's, mostly Scottish, describing the union, "worked well fo...

Canada On Obama’s Environmental Wall of Shame

"Naming and Shaming" is what's at risk in Obama's newly thought up international climate change agreement, though despite the cleverly rhyming consequence, this voluntary pledge has about as much political grav...

Ontarians Not Yet Safe From Nuclear Disaster

This summer has possibly been the most morbidly depressing span of time in recent memory. From constant war in the Israel, Iraq, Ukraine, and Syria, to ebola hemorrhagic fever plaguing Africa, and the recent ea...