Text of Canada-EU Trade Agreement (CETA) Leaked

Two weeks after Germany hinted at rejecting core provisions of the Canada-EU Trade Agreement (CETA), trade advocates probably thought that the ground they were breaking was shifting uneasily. Yesterday, it fell...

Life of Harper: Saskatchewan, Bees, and Weed

Each week, Kyle Muzyka sifts through what our PM has been up to in this column, The Radical Adventures of Stephen Harper, for your personal enjoyment. (You can see his archived reviews of 24/SEVEN here.) &nb...

24/SEVEN: The Wayne Gretzky of all 24/SEVENs

Welcome to the True North Times’ interpretation of 24/SEVEN: a recap of the past week in the life of the Prime Minister of Canada, and more.     Remember last week, when I said they seem to c...

24/SEVEN: A shooting star

Welcome to the True North Times’ interpretation of 24/SEVEN: a recap of the past week in the life of the Prime Minister of Canada, and more. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2nfmUtRbIao I swear, each week t...