Calgarians Trying to Weed Out Deborah Drever

Newly elected 26-year-old Alberta MLA Deborah Drever is facing calls for her removal after scandalous photos circulated the internet. To the disappointment of perverts everywhere, these photos are not explicit ...

Five Manitoba MLAs Resign from Cabinet

I can hardly believe the news, unable to determine whether we are in the midst of a divine miracle or witnessing a sign of the rapture. In all my politically disgruntled life, I never thought I'd live to see th...

New Brunswick Votes 2014: Do Looks Mean Anything?

Update (9/22/14): The results are in, and it's a disaster! Ridings have been called back, special ballots consulted, storage chips on the voting machines are broken, and several ridings have differences of only...

Regional Roundup: News Worth Reporting

TV and internet news networks talk an awful lot about Mike Duffy and Rob Ford, so much so that it’s hard to hear about anything else. This week alone, the CBC featured Duffy, Ford, or both on its list of top st...