Majority of Parliament is Racist: MPs

"You're racist!" - consensus opinion in the House on Thursday June 11, 2015 Few things bring politicians together like allegations of racism. You'd be hard-pressed to find another issue on which Conservat...

Are Liberals Afraid to Talk About C-51?

All you need is smiles. Jane Lytvynenko / CUP In case you were busy boycotting Tim Horton’s or engaging in some other act of patriotism, Bill C-51, the new anti-terror legislation that will give more power ...

Tim Horton’s Double-Doubles Back on Enbridge Ads

Boycotting? Before my morning coffee? REUTERS Canada is a country in upheaval. In late 2014, Tim Horton's, the de facto national brand ever since The Hudson’s Bay Company stopped stuffing Canadian coffers ...

$300 Million Housing Plan Failure

In 2008, the Conservative government created the First Nations Market Housing Fund, a $300 million plan to create 25,000 new and privately owned homes on reserves by 2018. The goal of the fund was to increase t...

Liberal Loser Contemplates Run for Tories

The Liberals have welcomed defectors from the right (Eve Adams) and from the left (Lise St. Denis), and they’ve had defectors to the left, so it’s about time they have one to the right. It’s just a jump to ...

Canada Reacts: Gay Marriage Passed in Ireland

On Friday May 22, 2015, the people of Ireland voted in a referendum to allow same sex marriages and to protect them by the country’s constitution. 62.1 % of voters cast ballots in favour, making Ireland the fir...

7 Online Purchases Canadian Officials Need To Make

Recent documents revealed that Canadian Navy mechanics in Halifax had to search eBay for parts to keep HMCS Preserver, one of the nation’s two supply ships, afloat. The 45-year-old ship is set to retire within ...

Election Moves to Triple-Threat Format

Ever since the PCs won their 10000000th consecutive election in Alberta a few weeks ago, everyone has been abuzz about nothing. False. The PCs got blown to smithereens, so everyone is abuzz about orange. Should...

Harper May Have to Fill Senate Vacancies

Canadians hear all about cold Camembert and broken crackers, Nigel Wright’s $90,000 gift to Mike Duffy, and NDP satellite office expenses, but we rarely hear about life in the trenches: the expensive and unnece...