Conservative Parents Endorse Playing Hooky in Ontario

Conservative parents in Ontario are standing up for their children’s rights to remain blissfully unaware of things like jerking off and same-sex marriage.  I doubt the kids in grades 3-7 care much about what th...

Liberals Win Landslide in PEI

Red Haired Anne’s red sanded island carries the colour into the P.E.I. Legislature once again as the Liberals are swept back in with a majority government under new leader Wade MacLauchlin, Canada’s second open...

Conservative’s Crumbling Defence Promises

The Prime Minister’s Office provides a relatively short list of “non-answers” to pertinent questions from reporters, Canadians, or the opposition. Along with “he’s in over his head,” frequent phrases also inclu...

Prime Minister Harper: Is He in Way Over His Head?

This week in Vancouver, Prime Minister Harper announced that he would not prepare a stimulus package for the fiscal year. He continues to affirm his government’s commitment to eliminating the deficit in order t...

Netanyahu and Harper: A Dynamic Duo

Israeli Conservative Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu retains his position after a divisive election campaign. The leader of the right wing Likud Party has seen plummeting popularity in his native land; the in...

Twenty Tories Miss ISIS Vote

Blaine Calkins: Canada's answer to Charlton Heston. Except no one knows who he is. Open Parliament Canadian soldiers are going to have to wait in the desert just a little bit longer—approximately a year, t...

Harper in Hot Water over Half-Cocked Gun Comment

The Prime Minister is finding himself staring down the barrels of several metaphorical guns after his comments last week. Speaking to the Saskatchewan Association for Rural Municipalities, Harper was asked i...

Quebec Students to Strike (Again)

Over 30,000 students have voted to strike in the province of Quebec. The reason: the Couillard Government’s austerity measures. Much like the student strikes of 2012, individual faculties and student unions ...

Bathroom Bill Down the Toilet

As sad as it is, the Bill nicknamed the “Bathroom Bill” seems to be heading straight down the toilet. Bill C-279, officially referred to as an Act to Amend the Canadian Human Rights Act and Criminal Code, se...