Selinger Remains Manitoba NDP Leader

After a very close leadership convention with a final vote of 759 to 726, the Manitoba NDP elected to keep party leader Greg Selinger rather than chief opponent, former cabinet minister, and current MLA for Sei...

Harper: Quebec Not Leftist, Radio-Canada Is

According to a radio interview Stephen Harper gave two weeks ago, the majority of Quebecers aren’t “leftist” in the Prime Minister’s mind. Instead he accused Radio-Canada of being run by people who hate “conser...

Conservatives Surge in Quebec Amid Niqab Criticism

A new poll from EKOS shows that Stephen Harper seems to have increased his party's support in Quebec with 22% of the popular vote. It suggests that the Tories may win nearly 20 seats in Quebec in the next elect...

Drug Shortages To Be Listed

The Harper Government is making it mandatory for drug companies to post public notices when they are running out of a given drug. For years, doctors, patients, and Canada’s medical organizations have been lobby...

R.I.P. Sun News 2011-2015

It’s sad to see businesses die young. In the case of Sun News, however, fewer tears might be shed at their passing, simply because that’s the reason they’re shutting down. They couldn't get enough people to tun...

Government Marijuana Campaign Cost Was High

As the semester resumes, the intoxicating scent of marijuana begins to waft across the quad. Sadly, this aroma is overshadowed by the reek of shit that rolls across the country from Ottawa. When Liberal MP S...

Infrastructure? Bah, Humbug says Joe Oliver

Christmas may have come and gone, but Canada’s unrepentant Scrooge is still hard at work. Joe Oliver, successor to the late Jim Flaherty, recently found himself in a(nother) feud with the provinces, this time o...

No Consensus on the Census (Five Years Later)

Canada’s MPs still cannot reach a consensus on the census, just as they couldn’t five years ago. Two bills are on their way to the House of Commons: one by Liberal MP Ted Hsu, which calls for a return to the lo...