I always knew that there was an alternative universe where Gilmore Girls’ bustling town of Stars Hollow existed. I just didn’t expect that alternate universe to be Canada. While we have yet to pinpoint the whereabouts of fan favourite mother-daughter duo Lorelai and Rory Gilmore, BuzzFeed has brilliantly unearthed the identity of one of the town’s key residents, Taylor Doose. And he is none other than NDP leader Tom Mulcair.

Stars Hollow’s famous Mr. Doose
Buzzfeed via The CW

NDP Leader Tom Mulcair.. Or is it actually Taylor Doose?
Buzzfeed via Canadian Press
BuzzFeed revealed how the NDP leader looks suspiciously like Taylor Doose from Gilmore Girls, the overzealous selectman (which means he was pretty much the mayor) and grocery store owner of Stars Hollow. Both men sport the same graying hair and trim beard. They also both have a fondness for button down shirts and a good old suit. But, more than anything, they both share a penchant for similar expressions. From that distinct look of surprise coupled with uplifted hands to the pointed “I’ll tell you so” finger, the similarities are shocking (and pretty scary). Think I’m over exaggerating? Just take a look at the photographic evidence.

Can you tell which one is which?
Twitter, @emilymelissabee
More than anything, these two share some powerful personality similarities. Throughout the course of the series, Doose used his town positions in a self-serving manner. Politicians are ruthless and typically selfish, so we can assume Muclair isn’t in the running to be Prime Minister because he simply wants to help people. A large paycheque at the end of the road and the fact that his name would be in high school textbooks for years to come (if elected) are probably motivating his campaign. Both Mulcair and Doose are sticklers for making sure town rules are followed; honestly, you can’t really be a politician without this quality. Doose was known in Gilmore Girls for having a strong opinion on how people should live and, if the NDP campaign platform is any hint, Mulcair has his own ideas too. I’m not saying those opinions are necessarily bad. Doose typically knew what was best for the town of Stars Hollow, so Mulcair could very well be on the right track.

The signature “I’ll tell you so” finger.
Twitter, @laurenstrapa
But, what may be the scariest similarity of all is how much conflict these two characters seem to stir up. Mr. Doose was always known to cause a problem every other day on the show, whether he was bickering with the handsome Luke Danes or trying to implement some policy that would supposedly enhance the tourism in Stars Hollow. As leader of the NDP—a party who has never been in control at the federal level, but who might change that with this coming election—Mulcair is sure to ruffle some feathers. Harper and Trudeau are probably not too fond of him, and if we could get Elizabeth May some more alcohol she would probably have some choice things to say.

Doose or Mulcair?
Buzzfeed via The CW

Doose or Mulcair? I really can’t tell at this point.
Buzzfeed via Canadian Press
It’s a plausible theory that Mulcair and good old Taylor Doose may actually be the same person—or at least from the same gene pool. Doose was played by an actor called Michael Winters, but the startling similarities seem too perfect to merely be a coincidence. Whatever the explanation, we can at least conclude that Mulcair is a real-life version of Taylor Doose. Doose didn’t do too bad of a job running Stars Hollow, so maybe Mulcair wouldn’t be half as bad if he’s given the reins over Canada. This is going to be a very interesting election season.