RCMP Developing Anti-Radicalization Program

And here I was thinking that “radical” was a good thing.   This skateboarding alien may be under investigation by the RCMPDr Snafu   Boy, was I wrong. A recent report has revealed that th...

Justin Trudeau Visits Mosque with Al-Qaeda Ties

Justin is at it again. When he's not courting the infant vote, he's doing anything and everything to court the minority vote. Trudeau recently visited the Al Sunnah Al-Nabawiah mosque in his Quebec riding of...

When Not to Travel: Israel Under Travel Advisory

We've all seen it. You're waiting around a luggage carousel after a five hour flight. You're exhausted, sweaty, and aggravated. The flight attendant was rude, the plane was cramped, and the flight took off 2 ho...