The True North Times
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  • First to podcast with Wilfrid Laurier
  • Now with 60 minute hours!
  • It's Dynamite!
  • The only thing that Andrew Coyne DOESN'T hate
  • For the sophisticated hoser
  • Winnipeg? There?
  • Yet to be castrated by Margaret Wente
  • Peter Mansbridge’s bathroom reading material
  • Exporting Beaver Hides to the Metropol since 1608

Tom Mulcair is usually a man of many words, but it seems that the cat caught his tongue at the end of his election call response on August 2nd. After blathering on about change, the economy, and how dumb silly old Steve is, he just waltzed right on out of there with his tongue stuck firmly behind his bearded muzzle.

The man of the hour, or should we say hot minute?

The man of the hour, or should we say hot minute?

To many Canadians, this was seen as “outrageous”, “scandalous”, and downright “Harper-esque”- or at least that’s how they’ve described it online. Who knows, maybe with his recent decision to sit out of all debates that Prime Minister Harper won’t take part in, he’s showing that all he wants is to do is be just like Good ‘Ol Steve.


“Maybe if I suck on his hair, I’ll gain his powers.”
Cowichan Conversations with Richard Hughes

Or maybe he has other things on his mind. This Hour Has 22 Minutes’ official twitter made a very insightful comment after Mr. Mulcair’s speech.

Screen Shot 2015-08-03 at 2.40.14 PM

I guess Papa Tom had some very important fishing and barbeques to attend to.
Twitter, @22_Minutes

Liberal leader Justin Trudeau was quick to point out his opponent’s tactics by saying that “unlike the other guys, I tend to take a lot of questions”. Are you going to take that sweet burn Mr. Mulcair or should I go and get some Aloe Vera?

Joking aside, I suppose all we can do is speculate as to why Mr. Mulcair chose not to answer any questions, but if we’ve already had this much buzz after the first day, one thing is certain: these next 77 days are going to be crazy.