The True North Times
  • First to podcast with Wilfrid Laurier
  • Now with 60 minute hours!
  • Ineligible for the Supreme Court
  • Yet to be castrated by Margaret Wente
  • Winnipeg? There?
  • For the sophisticated hoser
  • It's Dynamite!
  • Exporting Beaver Hides to the Metropol since 1608
  • The only thing that Andrew Coyne DOESN'T hate
  • Peter Mansbridge’s bathroom reading material



Dear Readers,

We’re finally here. It took weeks and weeks of grueling work, but we’re here. Six months ago, The True North Times was nothing but a cold and syrupy fantasy of mine. It would have remained so, if not for the support and contribution from countless individuals. I sent hundreds of messages to potential staff or contributors, with varying (sub-zero) degrees of success. Most exchanges would end with “nice idea, but I’m busy.” That is, if I was lucky enough to receive any reply at all. Searching for hours turned into days, days into weeks, and weeks into months. One inevitably feels disheartened with the pace of development. Is this concept even worth it?

Well, I found out it was. In an endless sea of LinkedIn profiles, networking events, and email listservs, I’ve found the best team I could ever ask for. They’ve had the pleasure of launching a publication while also enduring regular meetings with myself. It’s a harsh price to pay but they have an undeniable passion for this idea.

So, thank you to the managing directors Daniel Etcovitch, Esther Lee, Max Seltzer, and at one time, Diana Baranga. You’ve built the foundation upon which The True North Times stands. It couldn’t have been done without you.

Thank you to our senior editors Alex Custodio and Natasha Luckhardt. They have the power to change an article composed of gibberish into a quality piece of satire. On the design front, cheers to Dalia Goldberg, Julia Grandfield, Maryse Thomas, and Chris Rusk. Our website doesn’t look like it’s from 1994 because of them. Credit is also due to Greta Hoaken, who, with Dalia Goldberg, manages social media under the tyranny of Daniel.

I’d also like to extend my deepest gratitude to the folks over at the Canadian University Press. Erin Hudson, the President of CUP, saw our publication in its earliest stages. We were a small group of ambitious people with an innovative concept, lacking any significant backing. Erin took a leap of faith with us, and the result has been amazing. CUP introduced us to an extensive network of young journalists across Canada, who have now become invaluable contributors to The True North Times. Yes, Erin is the Esbern to our Dovahkiin (five bucks to every geek who understands that).

Of course, we owe our success to the many contributors who have devoted time and effort to bring out the humour embedded within Canadian politics. I hope they’re having a blast (aside from the moments where Max whips them into writing).

The True North Times has launched. Where we go from here depends on you, the readers. Let us know what you like or hate. We’re here to make you laugh and to think. If we aren’t doing that, we aren’t doing our job. We appreciate any and all comments, suggestions, and questions.

We’re at an interesting point in Canadian political discourse. Our politics are often dismissed as boring or uneventful, but I have many reasons to dispute that. Canada is a country with a dynamic that can never be emulated. From sea to sea, we have a coalescing of different people, cultures, beliefs, governments, and ideas. It’s why we’re the True North, strong and free.

We live in a great nation. Important moments in Canadian history are unfolding before us. There are crucial elections on the horizon. There are vital debates going on across the country. The True North Times is here to give you a light-hearted, humorous outlook on the hectic state of Canadian politics.

The moment is perfect. Our goals are evident. The possibilities are endless.

Let the games begin.