A Breakdown of the Baird Resignation

Last Monday, Rick Roth—presumably the lisp-stricken cousin of a famous rapper, but more notably the spokesperson for Minister of Foreign Affairs John Baird—announced that Baird would soon resign from the Harper...

10 Jobs John Baird May Have After Resigning

Canada's favourite angry man is sadly leaving his post as Minister of Foreign Affairs. His tenure was marked famously by cats, yelling, and other stuff. While John Baird is not telling folks where he is going n...

Premier Resigns: Ghiz is Out of P.E.I.

This morning, P.E.I. Ghizzed for the last time. The province’s long-time Premier, Robert Ghiz, resigned his leadership of the governing Liberal party, but announced that he will stay on as leader until a leader...

Horwath For Hamilton Mayor? “Never Say Never”

The Hamilton municipal election is coming up this October and NDP leader Andrea Horwath says that she hasn't ruled out the possibility of running for mayor. Considering she previously ruled out the possibility ...