Turn up with the PM
The Federal Election is under way. Obviously debates tend to be about as interesting for young viewers as an episode of Coronation Street, so we have come up with a way of making this fun. Canadians are known to be some of the best drinkers in the world, but any soul who sits through the entirety of the two hour debate following these rules deserves the Order of Canada. For those looking to follow along the debate will be broadcast at 8pm Eastern Time on Facebook, YouTube, and Macleans.com.
Without further delay here is the True North Times’ Canadian Leaders Debate Drinking Game….GOOD LUCK!!
Take a sip every time someone mention’s Justin Trudeau’s hair. Finish your drink if another leader physically pulls Justin Trudeau’s hair.
Take 3 sips whenever someone says “sorry”. (Sorry if this one gets ya dickered)
Take a sip for every question directed at Elizabeth May. Finish your drink if Elizabeth May drops an F bomb.
Take a sip every time Justin Trudeau looks into the camera and says “Real Change”.
Take a sip at every mention of Justin’s father Pierre Elliot Trudeau.
Finish your drink if Justin Trudeau really changes into a cyborg version of his father mid debate and begins attacking/devouring his opponents.
Take a sip every time Stephen Harper calls out Trudeau for marijuana policy.
Take a sip whenever Thomas Mulcair touches his beard.

POUR ME ANOTHER TOM!!!! (thestar.com) http://www.thestar.com/content/dam/thestar/news/canada/2013/09/11/ndps_mulcair_takes_aim_at_widening_income_gap/beer.jpg.size.xxlarge.letterbox.jpg
Take a sip every time Stephen Harper says “Let’s be clear” or “What (Insert Leader’s name) wants you to believe”.
Take a large sip if Stephen Harper looks an opponent in the eyes, not directly at the camera, while answering a question. Trust us this is unlikely.
Take a sip if one of the other upcoming Federal Leaders Debates is mentioned.
Take a drink every time someone mentions what Stephen Harper was like before he was in office.
Take a sip if a Leader takes a drink of water on camera.
Finish your drink every time someone directly calls Stephen Harper a “liar.”
Domestic Affairs:
Take a sip at every mention of Mike Duffy or his trial. Finish your drink if Stephen Harper or a staffer attempt to slip Paul Wells 90,000$ in order to avoid talking about Duffy.
Take a sip whenever someone says “$15”. (Childcare or Minimum Wage…have fun with this)
Take a sip every time Tom Mulcair says “C-51”
Take 2 sips whenever someone says “abolish” not in reference to the Senate.

Drink up for democracy!
Take a sip every time someone says RCMP, Investigation, and Senate in the same sentence.
Foreign Affairs:
Take a sip every time someone mentions Israel. Finish your drink if Conservative MP Paul Calandra storms into the room demanding to know if Tom Mulcair stands with Israel?
Take 2 sips for every different bit of nomenclature for the Islamic State that is used (Islamic State, ISIS, ISIL, Da’esh, A Terrorist Caliphate, Al Qaeda’s shitty sequel)
Take a sip every time someone says recession.
Take a sip every time Stephen Harper mentions the Economic Action plan while answering a question not in any way related to the plan.
Take 3 sips each time someone refers to the Oil Sands as the “Tar Sands”.
Take 2 sips every time someone says “Kyoto”.
Take 1 sip whenever someone says Energy East.
Take 2 sips whenever someone says Keystone.
Finish your drink if a Leader references laying pipe to another Leader’s spouse.