The True North Times
  • First to podcast with Wilfrid Laurier
  • Exporting Beaver Hides to the Metropol since 1608
  • Winnipeg? There?
  • Peter Mansbridge’s bathroom reading material
  • For the sophisticated hoser
  • Now with 60 minute hours!
  • The only thing that Andrew Coyne DOESN'T hate
  • It's Dynamite!
  • Ineligible for the Supreme Court
  • Yet to be castrated by Margaret Wente

Apparently, Stephen Harper and his gang are no longer representative of the distinctive “Tim Hortons Canadian“. Several prominent Conservative MPs, including Cabinet Ministers Jason Kenney and Michelle Rempel, as well as former Wildrose Leader Danielle Smith, are turning to alternative coffee sources and are encouraging the rest of Canada to join them. And, a growing number of Canadians seem to be doing just that.

As a part of a series of changes, Tim Horton’s has included televisions in their locations where they now rent out space for ads and commercials. These have appropriately been names ‘Tim’s TVs’. Recently, they have been airing ads for the Enbridge, one of the key companies in the Canadian Energy industry, aptly situated behind the Northern Gateway. Although only scheduled to run on Tim’s TV for another week, Tim Hortons’ decided to pull the adds early after receiving a petition signed by 28,00o disgruntled signatories. Petitioners took issue with the fact that Enbridge is planning on expanding the oil sands and building a pipeline to British Columbia.

The backlash against Tim Hortons has been well documented on Twitter. One upset consumer, under the Twitter name @failsal_moola, tweeted directly to Tim Hortons, saying “No #tarsands with my morning cuppa joe”. Of course no one would want to see tracings advertised while getting their morning caffeine fix. Tim’s coffee is bitter and oily enough as it is.

Thick, black and warm, good eh? Sensible Endowment

Tim Horton’s decision, which Enbridge has seemingly been fine with, has only brewed them a fresh pot of trouble. On the other side of the Twittersphere, thousands of Canadians have been voicing their opinions against this decision. Clearly they feel that  the 28,000 Tim Hortons customers who signed the petition (threatening to go elsewhere) aren’t REAL Tim Hortons Canadians. Some of these traitorous Canadians, including those aforementioned leaders of the Conservative and Wildrose parties, are threatening to take their business to competitors like McDonald’s. Yes, McDonald’s- with their whole McCafe gimmick going- does make very good coffee these days. However, it is far more “American” than Tim Hortons. Granted, this new group of boycotters seem to be focused Alberta, which is more American than the rest of the country anyways.

Fun for the whole family!

Fun for the whole family! Caffeine Informer

Even some members of the opposition parties, including Federal Liberal candidate for Estlock-St. Paul, Alberta Kyle Harrietha, have called upon Tim Hortons to reverse their decision. Harrietha has agreed that, given how many jobs the energy industry provides in Alberta, Tim Hortons is making a political statement by pulling the ads. Although, wasn’t Timmies making a political statement by running the ads in the first place? And wouldn’t they be making one again if they “reversed their decision”? We can’t all be winners.

Current Wildrose Leader Brian Jean, who claims to be a Tim Horton’s devotee, has also declared his support of the boycott; the boycott of the original boycott. Perhaps he’ll try Starbucks or Second Cup. After all, he can afford to spend half the day in one of those places. What with the orange majority across the aisle in the legislature, he really isn’t needed.

Politicians outside of Albert haven’t really taken notice of Tim Horton’s decision. Were Tim’s TV to propose an election debate- well, that would be a whole other story. After all, the leaders of the three major parties are all trying to appeal to the “Middle Class Tim Hortons Canadians”. Frankly, I’m surprised the company hasn’t thought to offer hosting a debate before. With the Tories already boycotting them, they are well on their way to be the potential host for a major electoral debate this fall.

Harper: Clearly, the original blend is far better  Mulcair: I prefer the New Democratic, erm Dark Roast  Trudeau: I think we have a more serious issue plaguing us: sour cream or sour cream glazed  THE CANADIAN PRESS/Adrian Wyld

Harper: Clearly, the original blend is far better
Mulcair: I prefer the New Democratic, erm Dark Roast
Trudeau: I think we have a more serious issue plaguing us: sour cream or sour cream glazed
CBC News