OPEN CALL: The Conservative Party is looking for a new candidate for the Oakville-North Burlington riding, since they just recommended that both of the front-runners be disqualified for misconduct. Anyone who isn’t bat shit crazy is encouraged to apply.
After a highly publicized months long battle between MP Eve Adams and her opponent, chiropractor Natalia Lishchyna, that has gone from dirty to filthy to repulsive, the federal Conservative Party is finally putting their foot down and saying that enough is enough.

Go home guys, you’re drunk
In an official recommendation made to the party’s national candidate selection committee (NCSC) earlier today, the Tories assert that both Adams and Lishchyna should be disqualified from the race. The Conservative Party’s investigation into this matter was spurred initially by the dirt thrown at Adams by Lishchyna, which was immediately followed up by some more dirt thrown at Lishchyna by Adams. Let’s have a look at what dirt was really tossed around.
This strange grudge match began after Adams announced her intention to run for Conservative MP of Oakville-North Burlington, a peculiar move given that she is already an MP, but for a different riding. Lishchyna voiced her anger about Eve Adams’s decision to run on her turf, and told the press back in April that the Mississauga-Brampton South MP needs to stick to her “roots” and run in the riding where she came from.
Shots fired? Yup, but these two mud-slingers were just getting started.

An artistic representation of the Adams-Lishchyna battle royale
In May, Lishchyna’s campaign team released volatile information about Adams claiming that her team committed voter fraud by paying the party membership fees for over 35 people. In addition to this faux-pas, Lishchyna also accused Adams of using money from the House of Commons to send partisan mail-outs to constituents in Mississauga-Brampton South, a strategy that NDP leader Thomas Mulcair could probably write a ‘how-to’ manual on.
In response, Eve Adams got on her hands and knees to gather a handful of fertile earth from the ground and in one steady motion, pitch it right back in Lishchyna’s face. Adams, using testimony from the riding’s constituents, claims that Lishchyna’s team had been consistently making robo-calls to people’s homes, disturbing their peace and quiet with her electronic partisan message.
And as the mud accumulated, the egos rose. Both candidates have been accused of bullying and abusive behaviour towards constituents and their own electoral teams, never mind each other. That’s why the Conservative Party is stepping in. If you’re gonna be a member of the Tories and sling mud at someone, let that person be a member of the NDP or Liberal Party. The Conservative Party has too much dirt to throw at the opposing parties to worry about internal battles that will likely put a stain on the beautiful blue party drapes.
The Conservatives only made a recommendation and it’s possible that the NCSC won’t even listen to the advice, but if they do, they’ll need to find a reasonably sane candidate fast. Easier said than done, apparently.