BOIE: NDP Should Pay Back Employee Fees Too

In a breaking trend in Canadian politics (just kidding), a party has been found misusing public funds for operations in Quebec.   It's not me, right??Canadian Press   Yes, the New Democra...

Mike Duffy Made Up With Daughter, Makeup

Upon looking at the face of senator Mike Duffy, your first thought probably wouldn’t be, “yeah that guy definitely bought a makeup artist with taxpayer funds because that double chin he’s rocking has to be prof...

Mike Duffy and Harper, the Witless Witness

  Mike Duffy faces 31 charges stemming from his alleged professional tomfoolery while serving as a Senator in and (loosely) around the Ottawa area. If he is found guilty on multiple counts, he will ...

Joe Fontana Sentenced for Wite-Out® Related Offences

Today Joe Fontana, former Mayor of London, was sentenced this afternoon to 4 months of house arrest and 18 months of probation for fraud, forgery, breach of trust and other Wite-Out® related offences for which ...