Welcome to Crazy Canadian Comments, a weekly column featuring the most outlandish comments made on popular news sites (mostly the National Post and Globe and Mail, because that’s where all the angry senior citizens are).
What has been going on this week in Canadian politics? Enough to bring you some shameless comments from online readers. One such example comes from The National Post, where people found out that Canada’s sweetheart, Eugenie Bouchard, fell short of her Wimbledon ambitions. At such a young age, she has excelled rapidly in the tennis world—we can only expect great things from her in the future. Or so we thought.
Thanks, CarlingFord1. You brought us Canadians back to reality. We were being so naive, with our congratulations and whatnot.
The fun at The National Post doesn’t end there. We move onto an article about the devastating floods affecting Manitoba and Saskatchewan.
Yep. “Hear” we go again. Elmo Harris, a man who obviously has the authority and credibility to enact legislation, recommends that we “cut them off.” It is obviously their fault; choosing to settle in a flood plain area hundreds of years ago is a choice they made.
Now, onto The Globe and Mail. Harper essentially said Canadians will see through Justin Trudeau’s pretty hair and find no substance.
In front of his children? When? Did I miss something? Do all rich people in Calgary know about this infamous incident?
The Trudeau train continues over at Sun News. The name “Trudeau” and “carbon tax” are sure to rile up some commentators.
I don’t know what that means. I also don’t know why you have 10 Likes. At least he didn’t say “lieberals”, I guess.
Then again, you don’t have to say “lieberals” to make us cringe. We close with a Sun News article, yet again, about the prairie floods.
Good to know.