Twenty Tories Miss ISIS Vote

Blaine Calkins: Canada's answer to Charlton Heston. Except no one knows who he is. Open Parliament Canadian soldiers are going to have to wait in the desert just a little bit longer—approximately a year, t...

P.E.I. Elections Heat Up As Temperatures Cool

It’s Friday night and you’re in Sin City: Stratford, P.E.I. Just across the Hillsborough Bridge from downtown Charlottetown, you’re far enough from the action that the people in the Delta can’t hear your quiet ...

Where to Start If You Are the New Mayor of Toronto

Sketchy the Clown is currently running to be Mayor of Toronto on October 27th. If you like what you read here, you can follow him on Twitter at @SketchyTheClown. One thing is sure about the Toronto Mayor...

Before War in Iraq: A Time to Reflect

Yom Kippur may have passed without much fanfare in Canada, as it does when one is in a Christian dominated... well, mostly everywhere. Yom Kippur is a Jewish Holiday. Its English Translation pegs it as a Day of...

Speaker to Remain Silent During Question Period

After the defeat of an NDP sponsored motion on Tuesday evening, the Speaker is to remain silent and not police question period. On Monday, Government House Leader, Peter Van Loan threw a curve ball to the ND...

New Brunswick Votes 2014: Do Looks Mean Anything?

Update (9/22/14): The results are in, and it's a disaster! Ridings have been called back, special ballots consulted, storage chips on the voting machines are broken, and several ridings have differences of only...

Quebec and Scotland: Partners in Separation

Prime Minister Harper recently made pilgrimage to the British Isles; the origins of his heritage. On his father's side, he mostly English. On his mother's, mostly Scottish, describing the union, "worked well fo...