Mulcair Up in Newest Polls, He’s So Hot Right Now

ATTENTION: HOTTIE ALERT! Analysis of several recent Canadian polls reveals that Thomas Mulcair (43% approval) is almost as popular as Justin Trudeau (45% approval). Tom Mulcair is now way more popular than Step...

Mulcair Shares Dreams of Being PM in Candid Interview

Last weekend, Tom Mulcair sat down with Paul Wells for Maclean’s magazine to discuss how he just can’t wait to be king. Now I know 25% of Canadians are thinking “who the F*#@ is Tom Mulcair?” and another 40% of...

Top 10 People Who Earn Less Than An Aboriginal Chief

The First Nations Financial Transparency Act has made it mandatory for Aboriginal groups to disclose their finances. The most surprising revelation is the discrepancy between the earnings of First Nation Chiefs...

Mulcair Asks MacKay To Resign, Wife Defends Him

In the latest developments in the Peter MacKay "Don't-Judge-Me-But-Judge-Women" scandal, NDP Leader Thomas Mulcair has called for MacKay's resignation. Uncle Tom is always outraged about something, so this usua...

Will Abortion Be The Ballot Box Question in Canada?

The answer is no, but not for lack of trying by the Liberals and NDP. Yesterday Liberal leader Justin Trudeau said that all candidates for the Liberal Party in the 2015 election must be pro-choice, igniting a f...

Remembering Jim Flaherty

It was another week of pointless yelling, political manoeuvring, finger pointing, rhetoric spewing in Canadian politics. Business as usual. Then yesterday, the turmoil in Ottawa came to an abrupt halt. Jim F...