Conservative Spin on Liberal Platform

"What do we hear from that side of the House? We hear about new taxes, high debt and the removal of all these benefits we have brought forward for Canadian families. The leader of the Liberal Party is promising...

Prentice Put In Pickle Pondering Provincial Sales Tax

It’s been a strange few months for Canadians at the pump; drivers might have wondered whether a group of hoodlum kids swiped the “1” from its position in the front of gas prices. Since the fall, Canada has seen...

Revised Income Splitting

On Thursday, Prime Minister Harper officially announced that he will be implementing income-splitting for qualifying Canadians. He also increased Child Tax Benefits for children under six old, and expanded the ...

Where to Start If You Are the New Mayor of Toronto

Sketchy the Clown is currently running to be Mayor of Toronto on October 27th. If you like what you read here, you can follow him on Twitter at @SketchyTheClown. One thing is sure about the Toronto Mayor...

15 Ways to Spend Canada’s Budget Surplus

It appears that the Tories have made good on their promise to give Canada a surplus by the next Federal Election. The last time Canada boasted a surplus was in 2007, where it amounted to about 9.6 billion dolla...

More Tax but Fewer Taxes?

Justin Trudeau says a Liberal government would reverse the Conservatives’ decision to implement income splitting if they win the 2015 federal election. The announcement comes as we inch closer to the fall econo...

Brad Wall: It’s Time for Free Trade in Canada

The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), set out to make trade in North America duty-free, yet that somehow never applied to trade between Canadian provinces, a scenario that western provincial leaders ...

Record High Quebec Gas Tax to Increase, Again

If you're in Montreal, look towards the nearest gas station (unless you're driving, in which case pull over, and read the rest of this article), and you should see a price around 149.4¢/L, the average gas price...