Poll: Chow Behind Ford, Tory in Clear Lead

Tory 35%, Ford 27%, Chow 25%. Those are the topline numbers in the latest Forum poll for Toronto. Since July 21st, Tory has surged ahead 7%, Chow has sank by 4%, and Ford has somehow retained the exact same lev...

Too Many Toronto Mayoral Debates? Here’s Why

Between today and the October 27th election, take a guess how many Toronto mayoral debates there are that feature the five major candidates? Did you guess a very high ten debates? Well you’re wrong. There are a...

Rob Ford’s Debate Homecoming: The Return of the King

Imagine a pitch-black room. Out of the darkness, a spotlight shines down from the ceiling. Down drops a microphone, suspended by a wire, which a man confidently grabs out of the air. He smirks, knowing that wit...

Toronto Mayoral Debate Winner: Rob Ford

Two Toronto mayoral debates took place yesterday, at a high school and at a college, between candidates Karen Stintz, John Tory, David Soknacki and Olivia Chow. Unfortunately for them, they were essentially tak...