Top 10 People Who Earn Less Than An Aboriginal Chief

The First Nations Financial Transparency Act has made it mandatory for Aboriginal groups to disclose their finances. The most surprising revelation is the discrepancy between the earnings of First Nation Chiefs...

Lise Thibault Will Never be Royal Despite Best Attempt

Lise Thibault, former Lieutenant-Governor of Quebec (pronounced “leftenant” if you speak English and “la calisse de la Reine” if you speak Québécois) will be going to court, after a judge determined that she wi...

Mike Duffy Will Have Day in Court: RCMP Lays Charges

Just days after revelations emerged about Mike's alleged 32 year old Peruvian daughter (whom he refuses to acknowledge or contact), the RCMP laid 31 charges against him at a press conference this morning: C...

Joe Fontana Sentenced for Wite-Out® Related Offences

Today Joe Fontana, former Mayor of London, was sentenced this afternoon to 4 months of house arrest and 18 months of probation for fraud, forgery, breach of trust and other Wite-Out® related offences for which ...

Senate Arms Security To Inflate Self-Importance

First the long-gun registry, and now guns in the Senate. Does the Conservative attack on our most deeply-held values know no end? In part two of the repeal of gun control, Harper's cronies in the Senate are try...

Harper and Psy: A Duet?

Yesterday, it was revealed that the Harper government tried to set up a meeting between Psy, the “Gangnam Style” hero, and parliamentary secretary Deepak Obhrai. The motive: to snap a few photos to show Harper'...