Prentice Put In Pickle Pondering Provincial Sales Tax

It’s been a strange few months for Canadians at the pump; drivers might have wondered whether a group of hoodlum kids swiped the “1” from its position in the front of gas prices. Since the fall, Canada has seen...

Premier Resigns: Ghiz is Out of P.E.I.

This morning, P.E.I. Ghizzed for the last time. The province’s long-time Premier, Robert Ghiz, resigned his leadership of the governing Liberal party, but announced that he will stay on as leader until a leader...

NDP Promises New Federal Minimum Wage

This weekend, NDP leader Tom Mulcair announced another part of his plan to NDP-ify Canada, should he win the next election. He plans to re-instate the Federal Minimum Wage and push it all the way up to 15$ an h...

Couillard and Wynne Ask For Federal Infrastructure Money

“Please sir, I’d like some more.” So uttered the little orphan Oliver to the pompous, bloated, stupid, and cruel Parish Beadle Mr. Bumble in Charles Dickens' classic Oliver Twist . Though the book was fictional...

Horwath For Hamilton Mayor? “Never Say Never”

The Hamilton municipal election is coming up this October and NDP leader Andrea Horwath says that she hasn't ruled out the possibility of running for mayor. Considering she previously ruled out the possibility ...

Andrea Horwath’s Big Move in Ontario

Andrea Horwath's Ontario New Democrats have denied the government their confidence, and, with that, set the wheels in motion for an election on June 12th.   Despite living in a small corner at Queen’...