Tone of Debate Matures as Campaign Continues

It's been a hell of a few weeks on the campaign trail. The Conservatives recovered from a tumble and the Liberal surge subsided. The result is nearly equal support for the Liberals, NDP, and Conservatives ahead...

Mulcair Up in Newest Polls, He’s So Hot Right Now

ATTENTION: HOTTIE ALERT! Analysis of several recent Canadian polls reveals that Thomas Mulcair (43% approval) is almost as popular as Justin Trudeau (45% approval). Tom Mulcair is now way more popular than Step...

Poll: Chow Behind Ford, Tory in Clear Lead

Tory 35%, Ford 27%, Chow 25%. Those are the topline numbers in the latest Forum poll for Toronto. Since July 21st, Tory has surged ahead 7%, Chow has sank by 4%, and Ford has somehow retained the exact same lev...

Too Many Toronto Mayoral Debates? Here’s Why

Between today and the October 27th election, take a guess how many Toronto mayoral debates there are that feature the five major candidates? Did you guess a very high ten debates? Well you’re wrong. There are a...

Poll Shows Rob Ford Within Range of Victory?

A new poll by Forum Research out this morning shows Olivia Chow's support cratering, and Ford's...not really doing any better, but he's now statistically tied with Chow and Tory. Well, at least Rob Ford's in a ...

Canadians Are Sexy And They Know It, Apparently

As on every Canada Day, a major pollster has come out asking Canadians to self-report on how they feel about themselves, their country, and their compatriots. This year it's Ipsos Reid, and just like the sun...