Harassment: Anywhere but Parliament Hill!

As Peter MacKay said at a press conference this week, Parliament Hill is “the beating heart of…uhh…our democracy.” For average Canadians, MacKay’s droning “uhh” sums it up quite nicely. Parliament Hill exists a...

Movember Hits the Hill, But MPs Not Participating

Movember on the Hill has declined from Tom Selleck to dirtstache status. Movember used to be big. In 2011, 75 Members of Parliament raised roughly $70,000 for the cause as they grew their staches. In 2012, M...

8 Conundrums from the Canadian Constitution

You might be Canadian. You might know about all that’s happening in the cold, snowy country you live in. But there is a truly Canadian document lurking in print and on the World Wide Web whose ramifications mig...

Conservatives Not Keen To Give Speaker Scheer Power

Last week, Tom Mulcair, Andrew Scheer, and Paul Calandra grabbed the nation’s attention when they locked horns in a fight that all but the most enthusiastic political junkies would call “The Grumble in the Jung...

New Brunswick Votes 2014: Do Looks Mean Anything?

Update (9/22/14): The results are in, and it's a disaster! Ridings have been called back, special ballots consulted, storage chips on the voting machines are broken, and several ridings have differences of only...