Interview: Ezra Levant, Founder of TheRebel.Media

Last week, The True North Times had the chance to chat with Ezra Levant, human rights activist, lawyer, and freedom fighter. In order to offer an independent, alternative media platform in Canada, Levant has re...

The Rise of The Rebel

As gracefully as a phoenix rising from the ashes of the smoldering bag of shit on your doorstep, Rebel Media has taken the Canadian journalism scene by storm. It’s new, it’s bold, and it would be fresh if it wa...

Coyne Quits Twitter: #RepatriateCoyne

Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand. - Revelation 1:3   Last week, Canada lost a great m...

Attack Ads to Get Nasty(er)

Back in May 2014, most of the major broadcasters in Canada (CBC/Radio-Canada, CTV, Rogers, and Shaw) unanimously announced that they would refrain from airing political attack ads that featured material taken f...