Where to Start If You Are the New Mayor of Toronto

Sketchy the Clown is currently running to be Mayor of Toronto on October 27th. If you like what you read here, you can follow him on Twitter at @SketchyTheClown. One thing is sure about the Toronto Mayor...

Humans Of Ford Nation

  Of all the political niches active in Canada today, there is arguably no group as intriguing, confusing and misunderstood as the supporters of Rob Ford. On July 25, photographer James Hunter and I...

Poll Shows Rob Ford Within Range of Victory?

A new poll by Forum Research out this morning shows Olivia Chow's support cratering, and Ford's...not really doing any better, but he's now statistically tied with Chow and Tory. Well, at least Rob Ford's in a ...

Toronto Mayoral Debate Winner: Rob Ford

Two Toronto mayoral debates took place yesterday, at a high school and at a college, between candidates Karen Stintz, John Tory, David Soknacki and Olivia Chow. Unfortunately for them, they were essentially tak...