Interview: Ezra Levant, Founder of TheRebel.Media

Last week, The True North Times had the chance to chat with Ezra Levant, human rights activist, lawyer, and freedom fighter. In order to offer an independent, alternative media platform in Canada, Levant has re...

The Rise of The Rebel

As gracefully as a phoenix rising from the ashes of the smoldering bag of shit on your doorstep, Rebel Media has taken the Canadian journalism scene by storm. It’s new, it’s bold, and it would be fresh if it wa...

R.I.P. Sun News 2011-2015

It’s sad to see businesses die young. In the case of Sun News, however, fewer tears might be shed at their passing, simply because that’s the reason they’re shutting down. They couldn't get enough people to tun...

Sun News Network Goes Down Swinging

Life’s but a walking shadow, a poor player That struts and frets his hour upon the stage And then is heard no more. It is a tale Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, Signifying nothing. - Shakespe...

Trudeau Boycotts the Sun After “Slut” Comment

Once upon a time in New York City, there was a very reputable newspaper called The Sun. Although it was conservative, the public generally respected it. In 1897, a little girl asked her father if Santa Clause e...

CRA: Political Leanings Played No Part in CRA Audits

After allegations of bias, the Canada Revenue Agency maintains that it was  just the hand of fate (and not the hand of Stephen Harper) that five of the ten charities audited by the agency in 2012-2013 were envi...