Conservative’s Crumbling Defence Promises

The Prime Minister’s Office provides a relatively short list of “non-answers” to pertinent questions from reporters, Canadians, or the opposition. Along with “he’s in over his head,” frequent phrases also inclu...

Royal Canadian Air Force Raids Museum for Parts

The Royal Canadian Air Force has been caught in the act of raiding a museum for aircraft parts! The search-and-rescue squadron at CFB Trenton contacted the aviation museum on that base with an odd request in...

Harper Prepares Arctic For Cod War with Russia

Stephen Harper has strong ribs. No, not because they manage to contain his microscopic heart. We know they’re strong because he’s been banging his chest for about 4 years now without showing any signs of discom...

Tories Block Mulcair’s Manitoba Flood Tour

Sometimes the Harper government likes to flex their veto powers just 'cause. Last night, in a stunning move of cunning prissiness, Tory Defence Minister Rob Nicholson, rejected Thomas Mulcair's request to vi...