Majority of Parliament is Racist: MPs

"You're racist!" - consensus opinion in the House on Thursday June 11, 2015 Few things bring politicians together like allegations of racism. You'd be hard-pressed to find another issue on which Conservat...

Harper Returns from China, “Danced With Dragons”

This Monday, our esteemed Prime Minister, a famed explorer (of oil fields), returned from his voyage to China, where CBC reports that he “danc with the dragon.” No, you aren’t mistaken—that is indeed a mildly r...

Harper to Address the UN

Stephen Harper, fresh faced and rosy cheeked from discovering one of the Franklin expedition ships, will address the United Nations later this month for the first time in three years. However, he won’t take par...

Wynne’s Throne Speech and Ontario’s Credit Outlook

Katheleen Wynne gave her speech from the throne this afternoon, the same day that Moody's credit agency shifted Ontario's outlook to negative, underlining a lack of confidence in Ontario's ability to pay its de...

24/SEVEN: Practice Safe Text

Welcome to the True North Times’ interpretation of 24/SEVEN: a recap of the past week in the life of the Prime Minister of Canada, and more.     This week, top minds(?) flew to Toronto to con...