Conservative Parents Endorse Playing Hooky in Ontario

Conservative parents in Ontario are standing up for their children’s rights to remain blissfully unaware of things like jerking off and same-sex marriage.  I doubt the kids in grades 3-7 care much about what th...

Health Canada’s Pot-entially Partisan Ad

Canadians have every right to know the truth: marijuana is bad. Despite this unquestionable fact, Liberals and other non-Conservatives would like us to believe that marijuana is part of a healthy lifestyle, esp...

Falling Child Poverty Rates

Break out the champagne, Mr. Harper. UNICEF is officially allowing Canadian politicians to pat themselves on the back for having lowered child poverty rates from 23% to 21% between 2008 and 2011. We should prob...

Life of Harper: Vegetables, NANOOK, and Tim Hortons

Each week, Kyle Muzyka sifts through what our PM has been up to in this column, The Radical Adventures of Stephen Harper, for your personal enjoyment. (You can see his archived reviews of 24/SEVEN here.) &nb...

Liberal Party Seeks Renaissance in the Maritimes

"Liberal" ArtsCIEE   While there is still a long way to go before the federal elections next year, Liberals across the Maritimes will have much to celebrate in the coming days. Bolstered by favourable...

24/SEVEN: Is your job amusing?

Welcome to the True North Times’ interpretation of 24/SEVEN: a recap of the past week in the life of the Prime Minister of Canada, and more.     By failing to release an episode of 24SEVEN la...