Canadians Are Sexy And They Know It, Apparently

As on every Canada Day, a major pollster has come out asking Canadians to self-report on how they feel about themselves, their country, and their compatriots. This year it's Ipsos Reid, and just like the sun...

Canada Day: Let’s Do Better

Today, Canada Day, our country turns 147 years old. How old are you, 21? Wow, you can drink in the United States. You should be proud of your age-related accomplishment, but not as proud as you ought to be of o...

Canada Day: Some Foreign Diplomats Aren’t Invited

Vlad Putin is a big stinking meany head. He's a big bully and we don't want to hang out with him. Such is the rhetoric coming out of Ottawa these days. If you weren't yet convinced of just how crass our poli...

The Phoenix Rises: Homecoming for Rob Ford

Back by (32% of the) popular demand, Rob Ford's rise from the ashes is quickly approaching. The notoriously indestructible mayor is poised to make his comeback, 450 hours of counselling healthier and 8 pants s...

24/SEVEN: If it’s okay, could we take a selfie?

Welcome to the True North Times’ interpretation of 24/SEVEN: a recap of the past week in the life of the Prime Minister of Canada, and more.     With fire in our hearts and gasoline fumes in ...

June 30 By-Election: Voting is the New Vacation

With four recent resignations in the House of Commons, The Right Honourable Stephen Harper has scheduled a by-election to fill four empty seats with new asses. The last decade of federal elections has seen a vo...