Tony Abbott Visits Harper and Canada: Best Friends

The hall of honour was truly at the height of it’s resplendency today. It would be of course. There being a state visit and all. But not just any state visit. Australia’s PM was due in town. Tony Abbott is c...
That is, THE LIBERAL PARTY!!11!!!11

A Nation Mourns as Zach Paikin Resigns

  A political shockwave of earth shattering proportions exploded through the country on Monday afternoon as Liberal starlet-darling (starling?) Zach Paikin, the son of the decidedly unremarkable anc...

Preston Manning’s Peculiar Pow-wow

Can we all agree right off the bat that this year's Manning Networking Conference was weird? Not necessarily weird in a bad way, but weird in that way James Moore stares into your soul when he’s not wearing his...