Buying in Bulk: The PEI Potato Debacle

Bet you can't have just one...spud... Upon my no-longer-recent return from my adventures in PEI, I was bombarded with questions. The standard inquiries were quickly brushed aside. Yes, I had fun. Of course I w...

“Une Maudite Poutine”: Quebec’s Big Mistake

Far from a gourmet taste experience, classic poutine (French fries, cheese curds, and gravy) is a typical, late-night, post-alcoholic-binge indulgence. Up there with Schwartz's smoked meat sandwiches, halal piz...

The Top 10 Unfortunately Named Places in Canada

We've taken you pumpkin racing in Nova Scotia, sea monster hunting off the coast of British Columbia, and you've seen the many gophers of Torrington, Alberta.Without further ado, here are the ten most unfortuna...

Crazy Canada from East to West

Canada, highest per capita for adorable and patriotic childrenAnirudh Kohl The first word that comes to mind when I think about Canada is hardcore. We're not afraid to be the first person to say sorry. We k...