The True North Times
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Justin Trudeau may be off the market, but that doesn’t mean his art is too. On the contrary, our piping hot PM’s watercolour sketch of the Canadian Museum for Human Rights recently hit the auction block and sold for $25 200. That’s about as much as young Trudeau’s speaking fee. It’s also proof that when you’re hot, you’re hot.

Signed, sealed and delivered.

Signed, sealed and delivered.

Just like the its creator’s sculpted physique, Trudeau’s sketch is majestic. It depicts the architectural masterpiece’s central tower surrounded by blue windows, a green lawn, little tree-like things and concrete-coloured concrete. Additionally, Trudeau’s attention to detail is astounding! Trudeau drew and coloured each and every window on the museum, accounting for differences in reflection and the unorthodox slanted frames. And get this: Trudeau produced the sketch mere months before becoming Prime Minister. How the hell can anyone question his intelligence if he had time to do this while campaigning?

The CBC reports that David Silcox, the former President of Sotheby’s Canada, described the sketch as being “of a professional calibre.” He added that it was “precise, controlled and done with accurate and impressive perspective.” Despite all this, the sketch was originally appraised at a value of $2 000. The ensuing bidding war, open on e-bay to residents of Canada, the U.S., France and the U.K., showed that whoever appraised the sketch either doesn’t understand art or doesn’t know who Justin Trudeau is (almost certainly the latter).

Too bad he George W. didn't Putin the time to get this one right...

Too bad he George W. didn’t Putin the time to get this one right…

Trudeau is currently riding high on the crimson tide. A slate of polls put his approval ratings well above where they should be for a Prime Minister whose recent achievements include smooth talk and good looks. Oh, right, he also drew the picture. Really, though, the proceeds of the sale go straight to the museum, and this was probably its most effective, least challenging fundraising effort ever. Trudeau deserves credit for pitching in, and for surprising Canadians along the way. Gail Asper, a board member for the museum and its foundation, said she “had no idea that [Trudeau] had any visual arts skills.” After looking at his sketch, we still aren’t sure he does. Then again, Trudeau’s work is better than what U.S. President Bush put out. Perhaps we should be proud after all.