Another day, another firing. CBC, our humble public broadcaster that always asks for Canadians’ support against government budget cuts is embroiled in yet another scandal.
First there was Jian Ghomeshi. Who, if you didn’t figure out by now, is worse than the watery fluid that sometimes appears in yogurt cups. He’s awaiting trial, but we have a pretty good indication of how things will go.
Next is Amanda Lang, who has a string of potential conflict of interest charges at her doorstep.
Evan Solomon decided to take a more classy route in the CBC corruption game. He facilitated high end art deals between, and I quote from the Toronto Star, a “flamboyant Toronto-area art collector” and prominent figures. It’s always the flamboyant art collectors who get you in trouble.

“Clowns to the left of me. A scumbag rapist to the right.”
Former clients of Solomon include Jim Balsillie of BlackBerry and financial superstar made-turncoat Mark Carney. Soloman raked in as much as $300,000 in his dealings.
Emails between Solomon and art collector Bruce Bailey are kind of fun to read, when you realize they gave clients cool codenames. BlackBerry’s Balsillie was “Anka” because of his looks. Carney was “the Guv” because of his post at the Bank of Canada. We can only assume he is now “Guv’na.”
After selling Carney a piece, he told his partner that they will soon have access to the “highest power network in the world.”
The CBC code of ethics states that employees “must not use their positions to further their personal interests.” Whoops! Solomon was quick to deny he sold any art whatsoever. He then backtracked by saying “it’s over.” Just like his career.
The CBC Corruption Extravaganza has been the most interesting drama piece to ever originate from the broadcaster. Surely that is worth continued taxpayer funding.