Welcome to Crazy Canadian Comments, a weekly column featuring the most outlandish comments made on popular news sites (mostly the National Post and Globe and Mail, because that’s where all the angry senior citizens are).
We begin this week with an article on The National Post. They decided to draw comparisons between Sir Wilfrid Laurier, arguably the greatest Prime Minister in Canadian history…and Justin Trudeau. The comments section went ablaze.
This Anti-Harper hack is right! Being the leader of the Official Opposition does not show any credibility. I mean, Justin helms the 3rd party. Therefore, 3rd party status is the most desirable.
Onto The Globe and Mail, where discussions of the ongoing BC teacher strike cause furious debate.
What? I…I don’t understand. I hope you aren’t using fluff in a certain context…
Sun News ran an article about a hugely successful coffee stand in Washington state that raked in its millions by selling sexual services with its’ beverages.
HEYO! What a zinger. That’s some top-shelf, late night comedy right there. Lance Campeau– co owner at ‘self-employed and loving it!” — feels the need to destroy the joke.
Finally, we have two comments on a Sun News article about a Quebec teacher being sentenced to 20 months in jail for having sexual relations with her 15 year old student.
If the School of Hard Knocks has taught Peter anything, it’s that a man must be homosexual if he feels uncomfortable when his gym teacher has sex with him on 200 separate occasions. The Top Commenter is always right!