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Turns out Newfoundlander’s might have dug a way out of Canada after all.

During recent construction around Bannerman Park in St. John’s Newfoundland, a mysterious tunnel was found during excavations. Although other tunnels meant for drainage have been found, and were clearly identifiable, this one is a bit larger than the norm. This one is at least 37 metres long, two feet wide and three feet high. Despite being made of stone it has a wooden floor. City of St. John’s archaeologist—Newfoundland’s answer to Indiana Jones—Roy Skanes is uncertain of what to make of it and it seems that the odd dimensions and materials make it possible that it isn’t merely a sewage or drainage pipe as the others have been.

There is a rumour it could have been used as an escape tunnel for politicians in St. John’s with the close proximity of the Park to the Colonial Building; seat of government from 1850-1959.


The secret tunnel in question: Still preferable to the Canadian media establishmentCBC

The secret tunnel in question: Still preferable to the Canadian media establishment.

This would not be unusal, politicians seem to prefer to take the dirty way out if it provides a respite from the crowds of rebellious citizens picketing outside their office; or they’re fleeing political persecution. Although secret passageways seem far more common in B-movies and European Castles; not “The Colonies.” However that doesn’t mean they’re unheard of. In fact we have them at the Federal Level.

There is at least one secret passage on Parliament Hill—one which leads out of Tom Mulcair’s office. Turns out long before old Tom was Leader of the Opposition, his office was the Prime Minister’s Office. Then Prime Minister’s decided they needed their own building to house their ever expanding staff. Rumour has it this passageway dates back to the tenure of Sir. Wilfred Laurier who, much like recent PMs, enjoyed dodging awkward questions and people they found annoying (like reporters, the Canadian public and MPs who use their own brains). Thus Willy had a door built into his fireplace which would take him away from all those nasty disturbances.

More than likely the newly discovered tunnel is just for water or sewage. The London Sewers, built by Sir Joseph Bazelgette within a quarter of a century of the building of Colonial House, were much larger than this little hole. London is a mite bit bigger than St. John’s, so it could easily be proportional.

However, installing some more escape tunnels in their place of work would be a good idea for some Canadian politicians such as Stephen Harper, Rob Ford, whoever ends up leading the Parti Quebecois, and whichever opposition party loses the next election. More than anything else, photographing disgraced politicians exiting a dirty sewer tunnel would make a great cover photo for a story.