Welcome to Crazy Canadian Comments, a weekly column featuring the most outlandish comments made on popular news sites (mostly the National Post and Globe and Mail, because that’s where all the angry senior citizens are).
It’s that time of the week again. We begin with a batch of Olivia Chow hatred on the National Post. First, on an article about Rob Ford’s recent weight loss.
Listen. I get the analogy. But, just for a second — just one second — think about the sheer absurdity of the situation you are painting. I never knew there was an age-old convention stating that mayors hand off their pants to incoming mayors. It’s a sort of sisterhood of the traveling pants, perhaps.
On the topic of Olivia Chow: she was at the World Pride parade in Toronto this weekend. It was a nice chance for a photo-op, and an all-around show of support for the LGBT community.
I know we’ve declared this many times before, but I think that this comment has to be the most bigoted, racist thing we’ve come across. Using his logic, what would we expect from a city run by Naheed Nenshi, a Muslim? Calgaristan?
It seems like World Pride Day, an event that brings people of all stripes together, is really a day where the nastiest comments get posted on news sites. Like this one.
Moving away from the National Post, there is a treasure trove of idiocy on
The Globe and Mail. Canada managed positive GDP growth in the month of April, amidst global slowdowns.
I would make fun of him. If only I knew what the hell he was saying. Who knows?
As is tradition, we end this column with a familiar type of comment. This time, from Sun News. Experts say stress and media scrutiny are two key influences in Rob Ford’s future sobriety. Not only is this a breakthrough in research, commenters made some astute observations.
LIEBERALS? No. Nope. Goodbye. We’re done here.