Welcome to Crazy Canadian Comments, a weekly column featuring the most outlandish comments made on popular news sites (mostly the National Post and Globe and Mail, because that’s where all the angry senior citizens are).
It’s that time again! You may have noticed, we have moved the column to Sundays. Just ’cause. Now down to business — a wonderful piece on the National Post about the newly elected Bloc Quebecois leader.
The aptly-named “The_Loyalist” tells it like it is: French people are the only arrogant people in the world. Them and only them. MrBhuddafreak adds to the discourse by saying Quebecers aren’t worthy of anyone’s respect. This is why people in Quebec love us, guys. “Size 15” chimes in, saying…well…I have no idea. Make the Charter like sweet candy? Federalists missing a blanket-like PQ?
It only gets weirder from here. The Globe and Mail reported on a Conservative Party survey of Canadians’ choices for national heroes. It’s all related to the upcoming 150th anniversary of Confederation. Anyways. The results: Only a single conservative Prime Minister made the list — and we all know who: Sir John A. MacDonald. What do our commenter friends have to say about this?
Okay. Jimbo seems to agree with Kyril, while simultaneously disagreeing. Babbleon, on the other hand, has either made a clever reference to a CBC anchor’s poor choice of words when describing Kathleen Wynne, or is just batshit crazy.
Back to the National Post, where they take a look back on where the Rob Ford scandals all began. There are interviews with residents near the infamous Dixon Road building that was raided by police a year ago.
Wow. Well, uh, that’s something. We’re a bozo nation with bozo eruptions, aren’t we? I’m speechless.
The Globe and Mail said Justin Trudeau was “elated” with the Ontario Liberal Party’s results in last week’s election. What do people think?
Spot on. That may actually be his platform to date.
To top it all off, we have a new innovation on the “lieberal” wordsmith art-form.
FLIBERAL? WHAT DOES THAT EVEN MEAN? Fraud-Liberal? Someone who “fibs” ? Lyndia Edwards goes full-on caps lock to teach Andy Madden a lesson. He realizes that the man simply cannot be taught, because he is a “Liberal/NDP.”
What a place. What people. What a time to be alive.