The True North Times
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  • Winnipeg? There?
  • Ineligible for the Supreme Court
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  • Yet to be castrated by Margaret Wente

Have you heard the news? Our heir apparent, the 65 year old Charles Philip Arthur George, Prince of Wales, Duke of Rothesay, born to Elizabeth II, Queen of the United Kingdom and the other Commonwealth Realms, Supreme Governor of the Church of England, and Defender of the Faith, of the House of Windsor, visited PEI this morning to take part in a youth parliament, in the course of a four day trip through Canada.

Skipping the unimportant provinces, the Duchess of Cornwall, Camilla Bowles, and our Prince are wandering through Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, and Manitoba. They touched down in Halifax on Sunday afternoon, where they visited a farmer’s market, and honoured our soldiers. Victoria Day was far more exciting, where the royals got an eyeful of Canadian bust:


John Stillwell

The struggle is real
John Stillwell


And then things got a little fruity:


The struggle is realJohn Stillwell

The struggle is real
John Stillwell


He was also formally inducted to the Queen’s Privy Council, the Canadian body which advises his mother as to what actions she should take in regards to her peasants in the Commonwealth. This may be a conflict of interest when he eventually has the opportunity to take the throne, but he’ll inevitably abdicate anyway because he’s getting on in years.

This morning he visited Charlottetown to watch a youth parliament where they were regrettably not debating “This House Resolves to abolish the monarchy,” the absence of which genuinely ruined my day. They’ll spend this afternoon being shown around PEI by an actress playing Anne of Green Gables, the only person to ever live in PEI.

Tomorrow, they land in Winnipeg where Prince Charles will feed Hudson the polar bear.

It is my sincerest hope that, in the course of this article, I have showed you that the monarchy is the most important cultural institution of our generation.


The struggle is real NZ Woman's Weekly

The struggle is real
NZ Woman’s Weekly